Hammock beds, indoor and outdoor
Hammock Bed
An hammock bed is a type of bed made up of canvas or rope mesh suspended from two supports by cords at both ends and it is used for resting, swinging and sleeping. These beds can also be made by fabric and net. Historically, hammock beds were used by Spanish Colonists in their conquest of Caribbean region and they were also used by Native Americans in 1960s. There are many medical and psychological benefits of these beds:
These hammock beds are used mainly by households as a sign of leisure and fun by children as well as adults who loves to sleep and relax on these moving beds.
Hammocks beds are used widely for the purpose of hammock bed replacement.
- Fall asleep faster
- Deeper sleep
- Better ability to concentrate during the day
- Better reading
- Increased learning
- Alleviate back pain
- No more dust mites infested as in mattresses
These hammock beds are used mainly by households as a sign of leisure and fun by children as well as adults who loves to sleep and relax on these moving beds.
Hammocks beds are used widely for the purpose of hammock bed replacement.
Indoor Hammock
Indoor Hammocks are used for relaxing inside houses, in rooms, TV lounges and open spaces. These are the best substitutes for mattresses and typical bed frames and also save space where it is not possible to place a traditional bed or a mattress.Indoor Hammocks are loved by children and they also look like a symbol of home beauty and interior. It gives a different look to a house or a garden where these beds are hanged and used by people living in those places.
Link: https://www.hammockdream.com/shop/indoor-hammocks/

Outdoor Hammock
Outdoor Hammocks are used by the people who love to do outings, picnics, outstation parties, beach parties and they are also used in gardens at home for taking sun baths or relaxing and sleeping in the evening.Outdoor Hammocks are easy beds to carry in your vehicles without any hassle of transportation, space and weight.
These beds are available in different shapes, designs, colors, and material and can be purchased easily on furniture shops or on online. Young couples is the main target audience for these kinds of hammock bed replacement and it also create a feeling of romance to sleep and relax in a moving bed together and stay closer with each other. People also gifts these beds to their newly married children and love birds who loves to decorate their homes and also loves outdoor activities.
From old times to this modern age, these beds are commonly and widely used as a leisure mode of relaxing at home, palaces, gardens, beaches, forests and outdoors as they are durable and easy to carry along with other necessary stuff.
Following are the countries who are major producers and exporters of hammocks:
1. El Salvador (largest producer and exporter)
2. Mexico & Mayan
3. Venezuela
4. India
These beds are also available in different styles:
1. Spread-bar
2. Mayan
3. Brazilian
4. Naval
5. Nicaraguan
6. Venezuelan
7. Travel
Link: https://www.hammockdream.com/shop/outdoor-hammocks/

Usage of Hammocks
Designed for backpacking and include mosquito netting.Hammocks made up of thin and lightweight material ideally useful for daytrips.
Self-standing metal or wood structured hammocks.
Marketing people use different techniques to sell these beds to different target audiences by showing different styles, usage and colors.